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Book Review: The Economic, Social and Political Elements of Climate Change

Climate Change Management“The Economic, Social and Political Elements of Climate Change” by Walter Leal Filho is a comprehensive examination of the various factors that contribute to the ongoing global climate crisis. The book delves into the economic, social, and political elements of climate change.  Filho explores the ways in which they interact and exacerbate one another.  The author begins by examining the economic aspects of climate change.  They include both the costs of mitigation/adaptation measures and the potential economic benefits of taking action on climate change. The author also discusses the role of the private sector in addressing climate crisis.  He refers to the potential for green investments and the development of low-carbon technologies.

Next, the book turns to the social elements of changing climate.  The author highlights the disproportionate impact that the crisis has on marginalized communities.  He also emphasizes the importance of social equity in addressing the issue. In particular, Filho explores the role of public opinion and the media in shaping perceptions and attitudes towards changing climate.  Finally, the book delves into the political elements of climate change.  Those include the role of international agreements and the challenges of implementing effective policy at the national / local level. The author also discusses the potential for intergenerational justice and the need for long-term planning in addressing the climate crisis.

Overall, “The Economic, Social and Political Elements of Climate Change” provides a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the complex and interconnected factors that contribute to the ongoing global climate crisis. The book is an important resource to gain a deeper understanding of the issue and approaches to addressing it.  Moreover, the book is a must-read for policymakers, academics, and anyone interested in the changing environment.

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