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Water treatment

How to Save Water? Part 2

Did you know that only less than 3% of the world's water is freshwater? Due to the current scarcity of…

How to Save Water? Part 1

To save water becomes a necessity. Environmentalists are sounding the alarm that the world's fresh water supplies are running out.…

Water Treatment: How Does It Work?

Water treatment is a process of improving the quality of water to the extent that we want to achieve. This…

Difficulties in Water Treatment

Water treatment is the removal of harmful chemical, organic or mechanical substances from water. The difficulty of this process is…

Diseases Caused by Bad (Polluted) Water

Diseases associated with bad water have two sources: biological and chemical. The first group is associated with bacteria and viruses…

Who Is Polluting Water?

Where does water pollution come from?  There are several sources of water contamination.  They include industry, agriculture, transportation and households.…

What Is the Difference between Mineral and Spring Water?

Mineral water has become colloquially synonymous with bottled water. However, water must meet certain conditions to be called mineral water.…

Side Effects of Water Chlorination

Water chlorination is a cheap and effective way of disinfecting water. The purpose of disinfection is to destroy bacteria and…

5 Questions to Answer Before Choosing Water Filter

Thinking about purchasing a water filter? Do you feel that this investment will pay off? You're right as a water…

Poland’s Drinking Water Standards

What requirements should be met by drinking water? Are there any rules that define its quality? How is it controlled?…

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