My name is Jacek

I am 42 years old and come from Warsaw. I have worked in the food industry for several years (how quickly it passed!). My career started in the most typical way – as a salesman, but today I hold an executive position. One can say that I have realized my dreams. I like what I do. What is more, I am not badly paid for it. I’m also happy with my family life although I started late. My daughter Rose is 3 years old. She’s my little princess.
My family
I haven’t always been so focused on family life. Earlier my priority was work. I even met my wife at work. However, as I got older, my priorities changed. I started to appreciate the quality of life. And I don’t mean expensive cars or other material goods at all. The real luxury for me, although it may sound trivial, is time spent with my family, health, well-being and contact with nature.

My wife Monika shares the same values. Moreover, she was the one who influenced my life reevaluation. We both had no doubts when we decided to buy a house outside the city. We have lived there for half a year now. I must honestly admit that it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The neighborhood is very quiet and the air is noticeably cleaner than city air. You can really relax from the hustle and bustle. There is a forest nearby where we stroll with our dog, a St. Bernard named Bernard.
The barrel of water
And you know what? I can finally see stars at night that aren’t overshadowed by city lights! It’s fantastic. Then I feel like I’m back in the days of my childhood. Perhaps our suburban life will seem idyllic to you, but there is a proverbial spoon of tar in this barrel of honey. Or more precisely, in the barrel of water… because it is the water that is our problem. To put it mildly – it’s not the best.
I noticed it when our almost new washing machine broke down. Scale had eaten through it within just six months. I also noticed (or actually felt) that our tap water had an unpleasant smell. I researched the subject and learned the facts. First of all, we have a problem with hard water. It damages household appliances and clothes. In addition, as drinking water, it has an adverse effect on the body’s natural balance. Hard water in out-of-town homes usually comes from a deep well or another non-municipal water supply source. This raises further risks such as bacteria in the water, organic and inorganic contaminants. Moreover, small and medium-sized animals can fall into such a well and contaminate the water by decomposing in it. The latter also affects the smell. I must admit that this last vision frightened me a bit, especially, when I thought of little Rose.
My water filter

I decided to do something about it. I considered various possibilities. Moving away was not an option. Bringing water in bottles – rather a cumbersome idea. The most reasonable and even ideal option in such a situation turned out to be installing a water filter. And that’s how I started exploring this topic. I can’t deny that I got hooked. There are many modern treatment techniques as well as types of filters. I think I have already chosen something for myself. At this time I would like to share my knowledge with you.
Do you know that we are made up of 70% water? Thus, you could say that the quality of water is crucial to the quality of life. What is the importance of clean water to us? What kind of water is best for home use? How and why is it worth filtering it? This blog will be about all these things. If you want to stay up to date and find out interesting facts about water every now and then, just like this page. Best regards and stay tuned!